Scholar Awards
There is a critical need for investigators prepared to conduct clinical and translational research in myasthenia gravis (MG). The MGNet Scholar Program provides individualized training and mentorship in one of two tracks, Clinical Research or Biomarker Development Research. We strongly encourage potential applicants to contact the MGNet Scholar Program administrator to facilitate the application process (
Applicants must have a MD (or equivalent) or PhD clinical fellows, post-doctoral fellows, or junior faculty are eligible. Applicants must identify a primary mentor with appropriate content expertise and experience mentoring young investigators. Candidates should be US citizens, US permanent residents, or non-US citizens with a valid visa to work in the US. MGNet Scholars do not have be at a MGNet site.
Award Description
The MGNet Scholar Program provides mentored research training to prepare Scholars for an independent research career in the field of MG. The MGNet Scholar Program is 1 year in duration and selected Scholars receive up to $100,000 to support salary, research costs and didactics with potential for renewal. The program will provide an additional $3,000 to travel to MGNet sites to learn specific skills and/or to scientific meeting(s) to present the results of their research. If available for renewal, the program requires approval after interim report and is contingent on demonstration of adequate progress on the research and career development plan. Indirect costs are not allowed. Scholars are encouraged to transition to NIH (e.g., K award), departmental, or private foundation support for their research and further career development.
Research must constitute at least 50% of each Scholar’s professional effort. Each Scholar must form a 2-3-member advisory committee to include a primary mentor, an additional clinician investigator or collaborator, and a MGNet faculty sponsor. The advisory committee will meet with the Scholar at least quarterly to review progress and each Scholar will develop an individual academic career development plan and renew it with the committee at least every 6 months.
How To Apply
Applicants will upload the elements of the application to the MGNet Scholar Portal no later than close of business October 1, 2024
- Specific Aims (1 page)
- Research proposal developed in collaboration with the primary mentor (2 pages)
- Applicant research experience, career goals, and research training plan (1 page)
- Applicant NIH Biosketch (max 5 pages)
- Three letters of recommendation supporting the applicant’s research potential (primary mentor and 2 others). The primary mentor letter must detail the research training plan for the applicant, including any research skills, didactics, workshops or professional skills to be developed.
- Primary Mentor NIH Biosketch
- Letter from department chair describing support for the candidate and at least 50%protected time to complete the program
- Budget and budget justification.
Application Due: October 1, 2024 5pm EST
Review Completed By: November 1, 2024
Funding Commences: January 1, 2025
Evaluation and Selection
Applications will be reviewed by a MGNet Scholar Program Committee. Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Applicant’s commitment to MG career and promise as a scientist (30%)
- Training plan, environment and mentorship (30%)
- Scientific merits of the research plan (40%)
MGNet is a member of the Rare Disease Clinical Research Network Consortium supported by U54 NS115054