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The Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network logo appears over a geometric design featuring fuchsia, teal, and purple triangles.
5th Conference on Clinical Research for Rare Diseases (CCRRD) Diseases (CCRRD) on Thursday, October 4, 2018 in Washington

RDCRN Conference on Clinical Research for Rare Diseases 2018

January 1, 2018

The Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network (RDCRN) is sponsoring the 5th Conference on Clinical Research for Rare Diseases (CCRRD) on Thursday, October 4, 2018 in Washington, D.C.

The CCRRD is supported by an NCATS conference grant with additional support from several other NIH Institutes and by RDCRN patient advocacy groups.

This unique conference focuses on research methodology for rare diseases and should be of particular interest to trainees and junior faculty engaged in research in rare diseases. Among the conference speakers are investigators from the RDCRN, and representatives of the US FDA, the biomedical industry, and patient advocacy groups. The meeting agenda includes the following topics: design issues for clinical trials of small sample sizes, systems biology and big data in rare diseases, working with the FDA and industry for rare diseases research, novel approaches to rare diseases study design, and the challenges and opportunities involved in developing an academic career studying rare diseases. A poster session will allow for presentation of research in rare diseases with informal review and comments provided by senior investigators and NIH program officials attending the meeting.

Travel awards up to $850 are available on a competitive basis, and the award-winning abstracts will be presented in a plenary session.

Prior attendees of this Conference have found its content and format extremely helpful and informative.

Registration for the meeting will begin in early 2018.

For more information about the conference, including details about the program, applying for travel awards, and conference logistics and registration, visit the conference website:

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